Preparing for winter

"Winter Wonderland: Gardening Tips to Thrive in the Bleak Mid Winter"


As winter blankets the landscape in a serene layer of snow, many gardeners might assume their work is done until the thaw of spring. However, the winter months provide a unique opportunity for gardeners to care for their outdoor spaces, ensuring a healthy and resilient garden come the warmer days. Here are essential winter gardening tips to transform your garden into a winter wonderland and set the stage for a flourishing spring.

1. Mulching for Insulation:

A thick layer of mulch around perennials and sensitive plants provides insulation against temperature fluctuations and frost heaving. Mulch acts as a protective barrier, shielding roots from the harsh winter conditions and preserving soil moisture

2. Winter Pruning:

While heavy pruning is generally reserved for late winter or early spring, winter is an excellent time for light pruning. Remove dead or damaged branches, shape shrubs, and clear away any potential hiding spots for pests. Pruning in winter encourages healthy growth and gives your garden a neat appearance.

3. Protecting Potted Plants:

Move potted plants to sheltered areas or indoors to protect them from extreme winter conditions. If moving them is not possible, group potted plants together to provide additional insulation. Consider wrapping pots with bubble wrap or burlap for extra protection.

4. Evergreen Appeal:

Take advantage of the winter garden's unique charm by incorporating evergreen plants. These provide structure and interest even when other plants have shed their leaves. Consider planting varieties such as holly, spruce, and winterberry for a vibrant winter landscape.

5. Winter Vegetables:

In milder climates or with proper protection, you can continue growing vegetables during the winter months. Cold-hardy crops like kale, Brussels sprouts, and carrots can thrive in the cooler temperatures. Use row covers or cold frames to extend the growing season. We will be starting this at the English Country House.

6. Garden Infrastructure Inspection:

Winter is an ideal time to inspect and repair garden structures, fences, and pathways. Addressing maintenance issues during the colder months ensures that your garden is ready to flourish when spring arrives.

7. Snow as Insulation:

Snow is a natural insulator for your garden. As it accumulates, it helps protect plants from extreme cold and temperature fluctuations. Avoid removing snow from delicate plants, and instead, gently brush it off larger branches to prevent breakage. Here at the English Country House we don't get deep snow every winter, but when we do, it's worth keeping in mind this snow tip.

8. Winter Watering:

Even in winter, plants may need water, especially if there's a dry spell. Watering on warmer days when the ground is not frozen helps ensure that plants enter spring well-hydrated and ready for new growth.

9. Wildlife-Friendly Features:

Provide food and shelter for wildlife during the winter months. Bird feeders, birdbaths with a heater, and native plants with berries offer sustenance and habitat. Encouraging biodiversity in your garden supports a healthy ecosystem.

10. Plan for Spring:

Use the winter months to plan and dream for the upcoming gardening season. Browse seed catalogs, sketch out new garden layouts, and make a list of plants you'd like to add. Planning in winter sets the stage for an organised and inspired spring.


Winter gardening is not about dormancy but about thoughtful care and preparation for the garden's future. By implementing these winter gardening tips, you can create a resilient and captivating landscape that withstands the winter chill and emerges with vitality when spring arrives. Embrace the serene beauty of your winter wonderland and look forward to the promise of a bountiful and vibrant garden in the seasons to come. Happy winter gardening!